Dear Bonvoy Family & Partner,

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the core values that define our social enterprise and inspire us to make a positive impact on the world. Each one of you plays an integral part in driving our mission forward and I am immensely proud to stand alongside you as we strive to increase sustainable production, improve healthcare and education, advance infrastructure, improve lives, and reduce poverty.

At Bonvoy, we are driven by a strong sense of purpose - a belief that business should be a force for good. Our commitment to sustainability guides every decision we make, from our production processes to our responsible supply chain management as we strive to minimize our environmental impact while maximizing positive outcomes for our stakeholders.

Improving healthcare and education is central to our mission. We understand their transformative power and work diligently to empower individuals and bridge gaps in access and quality. Together, we can create opportunities that uplift communities and shape a brighter future.

Advancing infrastructure is another key pillar of our mission. We recognize that robust infrastructure is the backbone of economic growth and social development. By investing in sustainable and inclusive projects, we lay the foundation for economic growth and resilience. we can create opportunities for communities to thrive, promote economic stability, and enhance the overall well-being of society.

Our ultimate goal is to improve lives and reduce poverty, ensuring that no one is left behind. By collaborating with local communities, NGOs, and governmental organizations, we can address the root causes of poverty and implement innovative solutions that foster sustainable development.

Our efforts are directed towards uplifting individuals, empowering communities, and creating pathways that lead to self-sufficiency and dignity. By combining our resources, expertise, and determination, we can make a significant impact and inspire generations to come.

In line with our commitment to our valued team members, we have launched our Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP). We firmly believe that our employees are our greatest asset and are the driving force behind our success. Therefore, it is important that you have a stake in the success and growth of our company.

The ESOP program will enable you to share in the value you help create and participate in the long-term benefits of our collective achievements. We are excited to embark on this journey together, reinforcing our commitment to cultivating a culture of ownership, collaboration, and shared success.

As we move forward, let us remember that our work goes beyond mere business transactions. It is about making a meaningful difference in the lives of people, communities, and our planet. Together, we have the power to create a brighter future, one that is sustainable, equitable, and filled with opportunity.

I am immensely grateful for your unwavering dedication and passion. Your contributions drive our success, and I am honored to lead this exceptional team. Together, we have the power to create a better world.

We are Bonvoy.

Building a Better Tomorrow, Together.

Mohammad Zuhair